The curriculum

As part of the CiTA project, SOZ tries to contribute to the innovation of the curriculum at various levels of education. Currently, the focus is on the university level. Developments such as the introduction of Artificial Intelligence and, in conjunction with that, the introduction of intelligent devices, are going to have their impact on Zambian industry like everywhere else. And although Zambian industry is unlikely to play a significant role in the development and production of such equipment any time soon, choices regarding procurement will have to be made in the future by the students currently attending higher education.

People now participating in primary or secondary vocational training, will have to be able to operate this equipment. Therefore, a certain familiarity with new techniques at different levels is essential for balanced industrial development. What equipment is to be used where, is a question that has to be answered every time again. Also, last but not least, how can we cope with the constant threats and cyberattacks coming at us via the Internet and the multitude of Wi-Fi connections. In short, adapting curricula at the various levels of education is an ongoing concern.

For the benefit of the universities in Zambia - starting with the largest university, the UNZA - a number of new courses have been developed in line with the development outlined above. These courses focus on actually working with the new equipment and discovering their technical possibilities. Handouts for the courses and labs in the areas process control, artificial intelligence and industrial computer networks and security are available free of charge for those interested. An application for electronic submission can be made through the contact form of this website.

At the UNZA, the incorporation of the new courses into the regular curriculum has been initiated. In addition, a number of courses will be offered in the near future for people working in industry.